Jason David Frank is … Speed Racer?
Could it be that Jason David Frank is Speed Racer? Fasten your seat belts!
Jason David Frank says “No”
Jason David Frank, who plays the popular Tommy Oliver in several Power Rangers series. He was asked to participate in an “R”-rated “Power Rangers” fan film. He declined. Why? Here is his response:

From Green Ranger to Green Lantern
Having survived his encounter with an agent from HYDRA, Power Ranger Tommy Oliver aka Jason David Frank has reappeared at Wizard World Cleveland with a new source of power. Today, February 21, he has become a Green Lantern. Oh, yeah.

Tommy Oliver — Agent of HYDRA?
At Wizard World Portland, January 25, 2015, Jason David Frank matches fists with Brett Dalton from Agents of SHIELD. Has the former Green/White/Red Turbo/Black Dino Ranger joined the forces of HYDRA, or is this a clever ploy to save the world? Update: February 7, 2015. Oh, my. Jason David Frank is on the outs with […]

Who has the bigger fists?
Alright, gang, who has the bigger fists? Power Ranger Jason David Frank or Superman Dean Cain? Who has the bigger fists? Karen (Amy Pond) Gillan? Jason David Frank? Or Matt (The Doctor) Smith? At Wizard World, Louisville Comic Con, March 29, 2014. Photos © Jason David Frank.

Choked by Batman!
It had to happen. After taking on Spider-Man, Mighty Morphin’ Jason David Frank is strangled by the Dark Knight at Wizard World Sacramento. Surviving that encounter, Mr. Frank is tackled by the Pink Ranger. But wait–this time he’s smiling! Photos © 2014 Jason David Frank

Jason David Frank takes on Spider-Man
At Wizard World Sacramento, Jason David Frank is about to pummel a certain notorious wall-crawler. It’s Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger vs. Spider-Man. Who will win? Photo © 2014 Jason David Frank.
Jason David Frank’s Morphin’ Life
On February 19, 2014, the amazing Jason David Frank posted the first episode of his web series, My Morphin’ Life. In it, he attempts to break the Guinness Book of World Records record of breaking boards–while skydiving. The record is two; he’s going for eight. Can he break enough boards to break the record? Watch […]

Cobra Commander Captured!
Yes, Cobra Commander has been captured, not by a G.I. Joe, but by a Power Ranger. Jason David Frank, known for his roles as the Green Ranger, White Ranger, Red Zeo Ranger, Red Turbo Ranger and Black Dino Ranger, caught the insidious Cobra Commander lurking about the Wizard World convention in New Orleans this weekend. […]
Star Trek Power Rangers
On January 4, 2014, “The Unusual Suspect” posted a nifty mashup between modern Star Trek and Power Rangers in Space. It’s beamin’ time!