For several years now I’ve been cataloguing press coverage of the classic Star Wars trilogy into a multi-volume project, The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook. This involves buying the various books, magazines, papers, comic books, etc., as well as buying through ebay and online downloads. This coverage is global, so I do what I can to gather documentation of press coverage.
One time I purchased newspaper clippings of several Australian publications–but with incomplete information. From the images below, I need one or more of the following: the date of publication, the name of the newspaper, the page number, and if from a magazine, the issue number. Can anyone provide this information? I’d like to document these articles to the fullest extent possible. Thank you.
You can enlarge the image by clicking on it.
You can reach me through my contact page here, or at the Star Wars Historical Sourcebook page on Facebook.
More clippings tomorrow.