The Honesty of Lumatic Animation
Usually when a studio licenses the media rights to a book, the studio will make certain creative decisions that differ from the author’s presentation. Characters may change. Characters may disappear. Not every scene in the book is filmed. New scenes are added. Whatever the reason, the explanations for these choices are usually not made known […]
How to Announce Your Dragon Premiere
October 3, 2020. Director Tomer Eshed posts a Facebook video announcing the premiere of the English-language version of Dragon Rider at the Festival of Animation, Urania, Berlin in Germany. Watch for the surprise at the end. If this isn’t visible in Firefox try viewing it in Chrome or another browser. or click on this link.

Firedrake vs. Common Sense
Enroute to the Rim of Heaven, Ben asks Firedrake … … to show off his fire-breathing prowess … … as they are approaching a raging sandstorm. Makes sense, doesn’t it? To the filmmakers: Why not show the sandstorm blow up to our heroes from behind?

What happened to the samosa?
Seeking directions to the Rim of Heaven, Firedrake and his companions arrive at the Temple of the Dragon Rider in India. Subisha Gulab, the local guru, tells them the prophecy of Varin, the first Dragon Rider. Her husband Deepak arrives with a plate of samosa to refresh the visitors. He sets the plate on a […]

The Voice of Firedrake
What is it like to voice a dragon? How do you voice a dragon? For Dragon Rider, aka Firedrake The Silver Dragon, Thomas Brodie-Sangster voiced the lead character. He discusses his role in the following videos. From Premiere Scene, January 27, 2021. Posted by HeyUGuys, February 8, 2021. Here is Brodie-Sangster behind the mic: https://youtu.be/9FanLyxSmvc […]