The Honesty of Lumatic Animation
Usually when a studio licenses the media rights to a book, the studio will make certain creative decisions that differ from the author’s presentation. Characters may change. Characters may disappear. Not every scene in the book is filmed. New scenes are added. Whatever the reason, the explanations for these choices are usually not made known […]

The Voice of Firedrake
What is it like to voice a dragon? How do you voice a dragon? For Dragon Rider, aka Firedrake The Silver Dragon, Thomas Brodie-Sangster voiced the lead character. He discusses his role in the following videos. From Premiere Scene, January 27, 2021. Posted by HeyUGuys, February 8, 2021. Here is Brodie-Sangster behind the mic: https://youtu.be/9FanLyxSmvc […]
Thunderbirds at the British Film Institute
On March 31, 2015, Thunderbirds are Go! had its gala premiere at the BFI (British Film Institute) in London, with the showing of both parts of “Ring of Fire.” Afterward, a panel of creatives talked about the show: actors Kayvan Novak (Brains), Thomas Brodie-Sangster (Alan) and David Graham (Parker), with writer Rob Hoegee and executive […]