The Coming of Jake Skywalker
Imagine the excitement Star Wars fans felt that Luke Skywalker and his friends would return for The Force Awakens, some 30 years after Return of the Jedi. By then, he would be a Jedi Master, his powers at their peak and–as the opening crawl indicated–powerful enough to frighten the Imperial First Order. The actor, Mark […]
Gary Kurtz cracks The Dark Crystal
“Alan Smithee” has uploaded a video of Gary Kurtz discussing his involvement in Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal, including an attempt to have the Skeksis speaking a totally alien language, the proposed prequel, and the use of practical effects vs. CG effects. Uploaded December 4, 2014.
Warnings from Mark Hamill
Was The Force Awakens all that Star Wars fans hoped it was going to be? Mark Hamill gave us some clues: Uploaded March 5, 2016. At the University of Cambridge, he compared The Force Awakens to the Transformers series, “Cinema of Bewilderment.” Uploaded March 15, 2016.
Star Wars side-by-side with The Force Awakens
An enterprising fan has just posted a comparison between Star Wars Episodes IV and VII:

Journey to a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Tuesday, December 15, 2015. The amazing Jerry Beck and I attend the day’s first screening at the Disney lot for Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens. So the Force actually … sleeps? (Yes, the film is labeled “Episode VII” even though that’s not on the poster.)
The Force Awakens at Comic-Con
Today, July 10, 2015, Kathleen Kennedy and J.J. Abrams promoted Star Wars VII at San Diego Comic-Con International. Here’s a reel they presented. Note how it de-emphasizes CG and points out the use of “practical” effects, sets and costumes: And here’s the panel itself:
Star Wars Teaser Trailer Parodies
Less than a week after Disney/Lucasfilm/Bad Robot releases its teaser trailer to Episode VII, and already we have three parody trailers. The Lens Flare edition: Posted November 28, 2014. The George Lucas Special Edition edition: Posted November 29, 2014. The Lego edition: Posted November 29, 2014. 21st century word-of-mouth!