Pirates Attack THE DRAGON PRINCE Producers!
Saturday, July 22, 2023, 2:45 p.m. At the San Diego Convention Center, Room 6BCF has a seating capacity of 1500. Alas, it wasn’t enough space to accommodate everyone eager to learn about Season Five of The Dragon Prince. Those who could attend would be treated to not one, not two, not three, but four surprises. […]
What to do about Aaravos?
June 28, 2023. Wonderstorm has released its trailer for The Dragon Prince, Season 5. Boy, that Aaravos is just asking for it, isn’t he?

Coming July 27: The Dragon Prince Season Five
Here’s another interruption in my New Zealand travelogue for this announcement: The Dragon Prince, Season Five, is now slated to premiere on Netflix on July 27, 2023. Here is some key art: And a couple of video previews: And here’s an earlier version of the scene, as presented at San Diego Comic Con in 2019 […]

The Dragon Prince and the Great Big Wave
We interrupt this New Zealand travelogue with another promotion from Wonderstorm: this impressive poster from Season Five of The Dragon Prince, coming this summer from Netflix. The image is called “The Wicked Depths.” I can believe it. Look closely at the wave. There appears to be something … inside it. What could it be? Click […]

I Ate the Dragon Prince!
What a joy it is to be on the receiving end of a gift–especially when it’s a surprise from the fine folks at Wonderstorm, makers of The Dragon Prince on Netflix. This is what is known in the entertainment biz as “swag”–promotional goods or items. The swag of The Dragon Prince is extraordinary. It goes […]