The Spring 2022 convention tour of Craig Miller
Craig Miller, Director of Fan Relations at Lucasfilm from 1977 to 1980, has announced his Spring 2022 convention tour, in which he’s selling copies of his insightful STAR WARS MEMORIES. Why buy it through Amazon when you can get signed copies directly from him? Here is his posting: Spring is soon upon us. Covid is […]
A Visit to the Lucasfilm Archives at Skywalker Ranch
From the Star Wars Complete Saga Blu-ray, a visit to Lucasfilm Archives, to the accompaniment of glorious music by John Williams and the London Symphony Orchestra.
George Lucas’s Expectations for the Star Wars Sequels under Disney
October 30, 2012. Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm is announced. George Lucas: “The future Star Wars films, Kathy and I have been working on future Star Wars films. The main reason I brought Kathy on, rather than quit, I wanted to move it forward but I needed somebody I trusted who could take that franchise and […]
The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook: Questions!
How big a Star Wars fan are you? Do you know the answers to the following questions: Who was the first Star Trek actor involved with Star Wars? Were Luke and Leia originally twins, according to George Lucas? How old were Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher at the time of casting? What were the Whills? […]
The Coming of Jake Skywalker
Imagine the excitement Star Wars fans felt that Luke Skywalker and his friends would return for The Force Awakens, some 30 years after Return of the Jedi. By then, he would be a Jedi Master, his powers at their peak and–as the opening crawl indicated–powerful enough to frighten the Imperial First Order. The actor, Mark […]
The Force Awakens at Comic-Con
Today, July 10, 2015, Kathleen Kennedy and J.J. Abrams promoted Star Wars VII at San Diego Comic-Con International. Here’s a reel they presented. Note how it de-emphasizes CG and points out the use of “practical” effects, sets and costumes: And here’s the panel itself:
Star Wars: The Not-So-Lost Interviews
From 1975 to 1978, Charles Lippincott–the marketing and publicity maestro for the Star Wars Corporation, conducted interviews with the movie’s cast and crew. He would use these to write The Making of Star Wars, a project that he ultimately dropped. Years later, Jonathan Rinzler used the interviews for The Making of Star Wars. Now that […]