Prior to a book’s release, it’s helpful for an author to gather endorsements from prominent individuals, who are given advance reader copies for their review. These are the accolades I’ve received for Batman: The Animated Interviews. I’m grateful for all of them: “Bob Miller’s highly researched and thoroughly engaging history, Batman: The Animated Interviews, is […]

Sylvester McCoy at Gallifrey One, February 21, 2022
At the Gallifrey One convention, February 21, 2022, Sylvester McCoy energizes my cell phone! There’s a Covid-protective partition between us which doesn’t show. I had no idea of his pose till after I saw this photo. This goes to show his remarkable gift for improv.

Journey to a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Tuesday, December 15, 2015. The amazing Jerry Beck and I attend the day’s first screening at the Disney lot for Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens. So the Force actually … sleeps? (Yes, the film is labeled “Episode VII” even though that’s not on the poster.)
Happy Holidays from Film Roman, 1991-1994
Film Roman is the studio responsible for the production of such notable animated fare as The Simpsons (Season 4 to date), King of the Hill, The Oblongs, The Critic, Garfield and Friends, Bobby’s World, Grimmy, Mighty Max, Felix, Cro, and Tom and Jerry: The Movie. I began working there as a storyboard revisionist on Garfield […]