July 28, 2006. SyFy Channel premiered the Stargate SG-1 episode, “The Pegasus Project,” in which SG-1 teams with the Stargate Atlantis crew.
Major John Sheppard gives Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell a lemon to ward off obnoxious physicist Rodney McKay, who is allergic to citrus.
Here’s how the scenes play:
“The Pegasus Project” was written by showrunner Brad Wright.
Saturday, February 18, 2023. Nearly 17 years later. Gallifrey One, a Doctor Who convention in Los Angeles, photo ops are sold featuring celebrities from Doctor Who, Stargate, and Battlestar Galactica, among other genre shows.
Here’s Ben Browder (from Stargate SG-1), myself, Alaina Huffman (Stargate Universe; she played Dr. Tamara Johansen) and Joe Flanigan (Stargate Atlantis) showing off our lemons. We are prepared!