Watchtower Database plugs BATMAN: THE ANIMATED INTERVIEWS!
Watchtower Database, purveyor of all things DCAU, has mentioned The Unofficial Batman: The Animated Interviews on their YouTube channel: I mention Watchtower Database in the “Recommended Media” section of Volume Five. With the kind permission of their webmaster, James Strecker, I quoted from select interviews for inclusion of B:TAI. Check ’em out for updated […]
Over 30 Years in the Making! Now Available: The Unofficial BATMAN: THE ANIMATED INTERVIEWS
Today’s the day! The culmination of researching a span of over 30 years! BearManor Media has published BATMAN: THE ANIMATED INTERVIEWS, five volumes, hardbound editions in color! Who made BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES and its spinoffs? How was it made? Why did it become pivotal in the animation industry, and what accounts for its popularity […]
Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1789
President George Washington. The Thanksgiving Proclamation City of New York, October 3, 1789. Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor, and Whereas both Houses of Congress have by their […]
Can it be it’s been 50 years since the animated Star Trek premiered on television? Yes, it’s true. To commemorate the anniversary, Michael Coate of The Digital Bits assembled a team of Trek experts to talk about it on his website, here. The speakers are myself, plus animation historian Jerry Beck, Michael and Denise Okuda, […]

Eastbound to Dunedin
Friday morning, March 3, 2023. I’m riding the InterCity bus from Queenstown, New Zealand to Dunedin on the South Island’s east coast. It’s a four-and-a-half hour trip. And the bus doesn’t have a toilet. What do passengers do when they get the urge? Fortunately the bus allows for two pit stops. One is at Cromwell. […]

“The Eighth Most Dangerous Road in the World”
I found two companies in Queenstown that offered Lord of the Rings half-day tours: Nomad Safari and Pure Glenorchy. They scheduled an hour or hour-and-a-half break between the morning and afternoon trips. I took Glenorchy’s tour in the morning, but both groups had already booked their afternoon jaunts. (See this previous post for details.) Nomad […]
The Ballad of Paladin
There’s a tradition in pop culture in which the hero is a wealthy man who dons a secret identity–that of a crusader of vigilante justice, taking on villains that attack helpless civilians. These secret superheroes include The Scarlet Pumpernickel, Zorro, The Green Hornet, Batman, Iron Man. The type also applies to Paladin, an Old West […]
President Taft’s Thanksgiving Proclamation
By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation, November 5, 1910. This year of 1910 is drawing to a close. The records of population and harvests, which are the index of progress, show vigorous national growth and the health and prosperous well-being of our communities throughout this land and in our possessions […]

Now Available! Cartoon Voices of the Golden Age!
At last, Keith Scott’s monumental work, Cartoon Voices of the Golden Age!, is now available, published through BearManor Media. Here are the details: Cartoon Voices of the Golden Age, 1930-70 In today’s world of instant information everyone knows everything about cartoon voices. Animation is a huge business, and Voice Actors are respected. But it wasn’t […]
Bill Maher Explains Jokes to Idiots
Comedian and producer Bill Maher finds it necessary to pontificate about a societal problem on his show, Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO: On April 10, multi-talented voicemaster Bob Bergen added his observations on Facebook. With his kind permission, I pass this along: I am reposting this video which I first saw on my […]