Dragons of the Day, February 29, 2024
Well, that’s all, folks, for the end of a series. On December 14, 2023, Dreamworks Dragons: The Nine Realms, unspooled its eighth and final season on the Peacock and Hulu streamers. To its credit–literally–the show did show us what the characters looked like if they were hand-drawn, instead of the plastic-looking robot CG versions. Let’s […]

Dragons of the Day: September 14, 2023
The seventh season of Dragons: The Nine Realms premiered on Hulu and Peacock on September 14, 2023, with yet another opportunity to see hand-drawn characters at the end credits, except–they were the same ones shown at the end credits last season. At least there are parts where the text doesn’t obscure the art as much, […]

Pirates Attack THE DRAGON PRINCE Producers!
Saturday, July 22, 2023, 2:45 p.m. At the San Diego Convention Center, Room 6BCF has a seating capacity of 1500. Alas, it wasn’t enough space to accommodate everyone eager to learn about Season Five of The Dragon Prince. Those who could attend would be treated to not one, not two, not three, but four surprises. […]

Dragons ‘R’ Us!
On July 10, 2023, I officially launched a website featuring these two clueless dragons, at www.dragons-r-us.com. They’re sort of a classical comedian duo, “fish-out-of-water” in a world of humans. I’ve already drawn rough storyboards for some shorts, which will be revealed in time. Yes, I’ve always wanted to work on a slapstick cartoon, and this […]

Dragons of the Day, July 3, 2023
From the sixth season credits of DreamWorks’ Dragons: The Nine Realms, some charming drawings of what the characters could look like if they were hand-drawn:

Dragons of the Day, July 1, 2023
From the fifth season credits of DreamWorks’ Dragons: The Nine Realms, some charming drawings of what the characters could look like if they were hand-drawn:
What to do about Aaravos?
June 28, 2023. Wonderstorm has released its trailer for The Dragon Prince, Season 5. Boy, that Aaravos is just asking for it, isn’t he?

Coming July 27: The Dragon Prince Season Five
Here’s another interruption in my New Zealand travelogue for this announcement: The Dragon Prince, Season Five, is now slated to premiere on Netflix on July 27, 2023. Here is some key art: And a couple of video previews: And here’s an earlier version of the scene, as presented at San Diego Comic Con in 2019 […]

The Dragon Prince and the Great Big Wave
We interrupt this New Zealand travelogue with another promotion from Wonderstorm: this impressive poster from Season Five of The Dragon Prince, coming this summer from Netflix. The image is called “The Wicked Depths.” I can believe it. Look closely at the wave. There appears to be something … inside it. What could it be? Click […]

The Dragon Prince and the Great Big Boat
Each season of The Dragon Prince teases potential viewers with a poster. Seasons One, Two and Three showed us the dragon Sol Regem. Season Four’s poster showcased the Startouch Elf, Aaravos. Season Five’s poster features … a boat. What challenge does this boat bring? Could it be there are other land masses besides Xadia? Does […]