Brienne the Dragon needs a home! Brienne was sculpted by the remarkably talented Kim Beaton, using the outdoor all-weather sculpting material, Pal Tiya.
Today Kim posted the following notice on Facebook:
“Seattle Friends! I am seeking foster locations for my sculpture Brienne in order to get her sold. Can anyone suggest to me a possible suitable location(s) to place her that I can contact? She needs a high traffic area with potential to be seen by the public. Bank Lobbies, books stores, corporate entrances, nice markets or coffee shops; places with an art buying populous coming through regularly. The Seattle/Tacoma region is best. It will cost $500 to move and place her (she weighs half a ton), so please help me consider only the most beneficial locations. Presently she is at the Evergreen Market in Renton. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.”
Anyone want a dragon? Contact Kim through Facebook here.
Click here for my earlier coverage of Brienne’s “birth.”