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Power Rangers vs. Pokemon

Power Rangers vs. Pokemon

Power Rangers vs. Pokemon. Who would win? Jason David Frank — Tommy Oliver from Power Rangers — provides wish fulfillment as he knocks the wind out of Pikachu! Posted online June 9, 2013.



Tornado Overhead, May 20, 2013

When a devastating tornado struck Moore, Oklahoma on May 20, resident Charles Gafford filmed the whirlwind–at close range!–from his storm shelter and posted it online. Prepare to be awed:

Smaug, Smauog or Smog?

Smaug, Smauog or Smog?

How does one pronounce the name of the most terrifying dragon in all of Middle Earth?  “Smauog” is enunciated by the characters in Peter Jackson’s Hobbit films.  Is that Tolkien-approved correct or a writer-director’s whim?  The intrepid fans at The Land of Shadow went on their own quest for an answer, and what they discovered can be learned here.

