Massachusetts Thanksgiving Proclamation for November 26, 1787
State of Massachusetts-Bay A Proclamation. For a Day of Public THANKSGIVING It being the Duty of a People who believe in the universal Providence of GOD, to express their grateful Sense of the divine Goodness, not only by private, but public Acts of Devotion and Praise: And as the beneficent Parent of the Universe hath, […]

George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation, October 3, 1789
The first national Thanksgiving Day Proclamation under the U.S. Constitution: Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor, and Whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested […]
A Proclamation for Thanksgiving, November 27, 1779
General Orders, November 27, 1779. The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799. John C. Fitzpatrick, Editor. Head Quarters, Moore’s House, Saturday, November 27, 1779. Parole Landaft. Countersigns Lexington, Leeds. The Honorable the Congress has been pleased to pass the following Proclamation. Whereas it becomes us humbly to approach the throne of […]
Thanksgiving Proclamation, October 26, 1781
United States. Continental Congress. Proclamation of a day of public Thanksgiving and prayer. October 26, 1781. Whereas, it hath pleased Almighty God, the supreme Disposer of all Events father of mercies, remarkably to assist and support the United States of America in their important struggle for liberty,against the long continued efforts of a powerful nation: […]
Thanksgiving Proclamation, October 18, 1783
United States. Continental Congress. Proclamation of a day of Thanksgiving. October 18, 1783. Whereas it hath pleased the Supreme Ruler of all human events to dispose the hearts of the late belligerent powers to put a period to the effusion of human blood, by proclaiming a cessation of all hostilities by sea and land, and […]
President McKinley’s Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1897
By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation, October 29, 1897. In remembrance of God’s goodness to us during the past year, which has been so abundant. “Let us offer Him our thanksgiving and pay our vows unto the Most High.” Under His watchful providence, industry has prospered, the conditions of labor […]
Benjamin Franklin Hough presents Thanksgiving Proclamations
Whatever tends to strengthen the ties of kindred and friendship, or to promote offices of kindness and charity, claims the attention and favor of all good citizens; and among the very few usages which deserve the title of National Customs, our Thanksgiving festival may in this sense be ranked as first./ As such, its origin […]
Thomas Jefferson’s Thanksgiving Proclamation
As governor of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson issued a Proclamation Appointing a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, November 11, 1779. WHEREAS the Honourable the General Congress, impressed with a grateful sense of the goodness of Almighty God, in blessing the greater part of this extensive continent with plentiful harvests, crowning our arms with repeated successes, conducting […]
Theodore Roosevelt’s Thanksgiving Proclamation, October 29, 1902
By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation According to the yearly custom of our people, it falls upon the President at this season to appoint a day of festival and thanksgiving to God. Over a century and a quarter has passed since this country took its place among the nations of […]