X-Wings from Disney/Pixar!
Would you believe a Star Wars mashup with the Cars universe from Disney/Pixar? No? Well, here’s what it would be like: Happy April Fool’s Day from Big Bee Studio. Directed and animated by Brian K. Anderson. BigBeeBKA@gmail.com Twitter @BigBeeStudio VOICE CAST (in order of appearance): Narrator: Scott Fletcher — voice@caraworks.com Red Leader: Brian Ibbott — […]
Carrie Fisher Dialogs About Dialog
During the making of The Empire Strikes Back, Carrie Fisher is interviewed about the production. In this excerpt, she talks about the difficulty in saying some of the lines. Uploaded May 15, 2014.
The Difference Between Lucas and Kershner
In a 1979 interview during the making of The Empire Strikes Back, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford reveal the difference between directors George Lucas and Irvin Kershner. Find out:
Mark Hamill in the Death Star!
Here’s an interview with Mark Hamill discussing his role in Star Wars, on the set of the Death Star in 1976. Enjoy:
Boba Fett on Endor
Could it be that Boba Fett survived the Sarlacc? Here he is on Endor, challenging Leia and Luke in a speeder bike “videomatic.” From From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga, December 1983. Click here to see more.
Petaluma, Home to Rancho Obi-Wan and …
Petaluma, California is a pleasant community north of San Francisco. It’s where George Lucas filmed American Graffiti. It’s also the place where one can peruse the world’s largest Star Wars collection, at Rancho Obi-Wan. Now, it’s the location of … a McDonald’s commercial. Controversial? Apparently so.
Get well, Harrison Ford. Love, Boba Fett
Since his airplane accident on March 5, 2015, Harrison Ford has received numerous get-wells from family, friends and fans. Here’s one from an ensemble of Star Wars veterans at the Ritz Cinema & Theatre, (Star Con 15, March 7) including Brian Muir, sculptor of Darth Vader and the stormtrooper uniform, Andrew Lawden, Liam Neeson’s stunt […]
A New French Star Wars Want List
A Facebook acquaintance recommended a resource, Ciné-Ressources, which offers a search engine for films and the publications that talk about them. Thanks to it, I’m now aware of a few articles that I’d like to catalog in my Star Wars Historical Sourcebook. Please contact me if you can provide PDF or jpg scans of Star […]
How Larry Cuba animated the computer graphics for Star Wars
How were the Death Star graphics animated? CG expert Larry Cuba gives us the answer in this video presentation, The Star Wars Computer Animation, uploaded by Star Wars 1977-1996. Mr. Cuba manifested his wizardry at the Circle Graphics Habitat–now the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL)–at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Leonard Maltin, George Lucas, Robert Redford Discuss the Art of Film
Leonard Maltin! George Lucas! Robert Redford! Three cinematic titans discussed their love for film at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival on January 29. Thanks to the power of the internet, you too can see their discussion, “Power of Story: Visions of Independence”: Streamed live January 29, 2015. Counter to what Chris Taylor inferred in How […]