Star Wars Progress Report, 3-19-2017
At last, after years of labor and research, I’m about to complete the first of many volumes of my work, The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook, An Annotated Bibliography Detailing the Original Star Wars Trilogy, Episodes IV, V and VI, from 1971-1990. Volume One will cover 1971 through June 1977, documenting publications during that time covering […]

A New French Star Wars Want List
A Facebook acquaintance recommended a resource, Ciné-Ressources, which offers a search engine for films and the publications that talk about them. Thanks to it, I’m now aware of a few articles that I’d like to catalog in my Star Wars Historical Sourcebook. Please contact me if you can provide PDF or jpg scans of Star […]
Top 17 Most Popular Posts, 2014
Looking back at the year 2014, it’s interesting to review the most popular posts aside from my regular pages. Here they are in order of popularity: The Secret of Storybrooke, Maine 45.89 per cent of all my traffic comes to this page, nearly three times as many that visit my home page. There are a […]

Star Wars Progress Report, 12-07-2014
Skywalker Ranch Research Library, from Pininterest. This November, I spent a week-and-a-half researching at Rancho Obi-Wan and at Skywalker Ranch’s archives, gathering rare and hard-to-find information for what I am now calling The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook, which focuses on the years 1971 to 1990. This time I catalogued variants to Star Wars novelizations, thanks […]

The Star Wars Reference Guide: Progress Report 7/17/2013
Hello friends, For the last two weeks I’ve been researching at Steve Sansweet’s Rancho Obi-Wan and George Lucas’s Skywalker Ranch Research Library, scanning and cataloging literally hundreds of hard-to-find magazines, comics, books and newspaper articles. Here I am in front of Steve’s extensive magazine storage room. And here I am at Skywalker Ranch’s main house. […]