Nick Kellington: Spinning with SkekMal
On Twitter, creature performer Nick Kellington disclosed several behind-the-scenes details about his character, SkekMal the Hunter, from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. October 30, 2019: “4 BTS facts courtesy of Mechanical Designer, Ady Parish: My SkekMal head was built in about 3 weeks. It only used 9 servos to power the face Was programmed […]

Nick Kellington: Bowling with Gelflings
On September 9, 2019, creature performer Nick Kellington tweeted on Twitter about performing in the climactic battle in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. With his kind permission, I share his story here: “In sequence shown in this gif, director Louis Leterrier asked me to sprint as fast as I could across the full length […]

Nick Kellington: The Hunter’s First Day
Nick Kellington, creature performer on The Dark Crystal: The Age of Resistance, plied his skills as the body operator for the Skeksis Hunter, SkekMal. On September 18 on Twitter, he shared what it was like on his first day on the set of the Castle Throne room: “The day we filmed the scenes featured in […]

Nick Kellington: Behind the Scenes with The Hunter!
Beware all you Gelflings and malcontents of Thra! Defy the Skeksis, Lords of the Crystal, and they will sic SkekMal on you. Yes, SkekMal, the terrifying Hunter in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. You wouldn’t want to end up as one of his trophies. Though, despite all SkekMal’s tracking skills and blade-slashing and nasty […]