Now Available! THE ANIMATED VOICE, Volume Two!
Yes, the second volume of The Animated Voice series is now available for purchase. Pulp Hero Press editor/publisher Bob McLain writes: Bob Miller’s new series, The Animated Voice is both a primer for aspiring animated voice actors and a fascinating behind-the-scenes glimpse into this little-known industry for fans. In this volume: MEL BLANC discusses his […]
Win a Free Copy!
This week on the Neverland podcast, Jeremy Shields and Eric Warren plays the second part of their interview with W.R. Miller about The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook. They’re offering a free copy with a contest. Jeremy says, “Eric and I want to give you a copy of his book! Share this episode by tweeting, retweeting […]
Now Available: The Animated Voice, Volume One!
What is it like to be a voiceover actor? The Animated Voice, Volume One, is now available, and you can get it at here. It features my interviews with Keith Scott, Will Ryan, Pete Docter, Mark Evanier, Katie Leigh and the voice of Courage the Cowardly Dog, Marty Grabstein, plus, an ASIFA-Hollywood interview with […]
The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook, International Libraries
To make the Star Wars Historical Sourcebook as comprehensive as possible, I contacted international libraries for their materials, either by personal visits, or by enlisting local researchers, or by inquiries via email. I wish to acknowledge help from the following international libraries. Individual librarians are named in the Sourcebook itself: Austria Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Wien, Austria […]

Skywalking Through Neverland, A Preview
Last week I was interviewed by Richard and Sarah Woloski for Episode 220 of their podcast, Skywalking Through Neverland. They are a delightful couple who are really knowledgeable, and enthusiastic, about Star Wars and Disneyana. Tune in tomorrow, August 6, to learn about the making of The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook, some behind-the-scenes Star Wars […]
The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook: First Major Review!
First major review! Dennis Pellegrom has reviewed The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook at his website,, here. It is written in Dutch, so those not versed in Dutch may have to use Google’s translator or other means of translation. Full disclosure: Dennis graciously allowed quotations from his interviews with Anthony Forrest, Paul Huston and Paul […]
Mark Hamill on The Tonight Show, 1977
The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook includes links to online videos at YouTube and Vimeo, so fans can see for themselves a visual source of information. Here’s a clip of Mark Hamill guesting on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson on November 29, 1977, sharing a story in which Sir Alec Guinness plays a prank on […]

The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook: Sample Pages
Greetings, Star Wars fans! If you’re curious about the content of The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook, here are some sample pages from the year 1976. From these you can see the format of the book. Citations are arranged in chronological order. Quotes are provided from the cast and crew during production. Other citations come from […]
Available Now! The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook!
Hello, friends! At long last, after 41 years of meticulous research, The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook is now available to the public, through Volume One covers the years 1971 to 1976. Producer Gary Kurtz wrote the Foreword. He says, “This historical sourcebook is an extraordinarily complete work, annotating almost everything that has been written […]

May the Facts Be With You!
How thorough is your Star Wars knowledge? Test yourself with May the Facts Be with You! 1200 Star Wars Stumpers for Serious Fans, now available from Pulp Hero Press. It’s the Star Wars anti-quiz quiz book, challenging your knowledge of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Ewok Adventure/Caravan of Courage, […]