A year prior to the show’s production, Weta Workshop tested a scene for Jane and the Dragon to apply a hand-drawn storybook texture, later to be termed “Bayntonization.” (If not viewable in Firefox, try another browser.)

Ask Jane’s Creator!
Pūkeko Pictures has announced a live event, Q&A with the creator of Jane and the Dragon, Martin Baynton. It will be Sunday, August 21, 2022, at 8:30 p.m. UTC, 1:30 p.m. PST, and across the International Dateline, on Monday, August 22, at 8:30 a.m. NZT. Watch live on Facebook. Watch live on YouTube. Watch […]

It was October 5, 2005 when Jane and the Dragon premiered in Canada on YTV, and September 2, 2006 when it was first broadcast in the United States on NBC. Based on the trilogy of children’s books by Martin Baynton, Jane and the Dragon told the story of 12-year-old Jane Turnkey who trained in secret […]

From Martin Baynton: Stay Clear, Stay Clean, Stay Kind
My friend Martin Baynton, creator of Jane and the Dragon, WotWots* and a WotWots spinoff, Kiddets, has made a free ebook addressing the current coronavirus situation on a level kids can understand. Visit https://stayclearcleankind.com/ for more details and download links. *Co-created with Sir Richard Taylor of Weta Workshop.
A Sketch for Williams Syndrome
Is anyone aware of Williams Syndrome? For those who aren’t, English actor Mathew Baynton–nephew of Jane and the Dragon creator Martin Baynton–created a sketch calling attention to the disorder: Uploaded May 19, 2016.

Jane and the Dragon’s Tenth TV Anniversary
Ten years ago, October 15, 2005, Canada’s YTV network premiered one of the greatest children’s TV shows ever: Jane and the Dragon. Among many reasons, what made it great was that it didn’t pander to the audience. Adults could watch without feeling their intelligence going down the drain. The digital animation came from Weta Workshop […]

It’s Tough to Live on Dragon Island
How does one cope with bullies? Especially if they’re dragons? On Dragon Island, gentle Norman does his utmost to reform them, but what can he do if they don’t change their violent ways, and his own well-being is threatened? The answer can be found in Dragon Island, the latest book by Martin Baynton, creator of […]
Weta Workshop From Book to Screen and Beyond
At the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2012, Richard Taylor, Martin Baynton and Greg Broadmore present “a trans-media ride into the future of storytelling.” Published on Dec 10, 2012