An Interview by Katie Leigh!
Today voice actress Katie Leigh dropped by my place to pick up her copy of my new book, The Animated Voice, Volume One. Yes, she is featured in a chapter, from an interview I did with her in Torrance last year. During her visit she did a Facebook Live interview, which you can see here:
Now Available: The Animated Voice, Volume One!
What is it like to be a voiceover actor? The Animated Voice, Volume One, is now available, and you can get it at here. It features my interviews with Keith Scott, Will Ryan, Pete Docter, Mark Evanier, Katie Leigh and the voice of Courage the Cowardly Dog, Marty Grabstein, plus, an ASIFA-Hollywood interview with […]

Stan Freberg Passes On
Stan Freberg passed away today. In my younger years I only knew him from the acting he did for Warner Bros., as the voice of Pete Puma in “Rabbit’s Kin,” Junyer Bear, narrating and performing the Three Little Bops, the Gambling Bug, Benny the Cat, Bertie the Mouse, Tosh the Gopher and Chester the Dog. […]