How Not to Train Your Dragon
When dealers and exhibitors come to conventions, they try all kinds of innovative ways to attract potential customers. Here, at Comic-Con International in San Diego, Neopets was promoting their School of Dragons game. On Saturday, July 21, their booth featured a green screen where people could wear Viking attire, have their photograph taken, and the […]
Train Your Dragon, Take 2
DreamWorks Animation is ramping up its second phase for its How to Train Your Dragon franchise. The TV series entered its second season with a title change to DreamWorks Dragons: Defenders of Berk, trumpeted with the following trailer: The feature sequel comes June 13, 2014, moving the story ahead some five years later. Teaser trailer: […]
DreamWorks’ Dragons Debut
A Viking named Hiccup. A dragon named Toothless. Their adventures have so far spanned ten books by British author Cressida Cowell. DreamWorks produced a film version of How to Train Your Dragon, directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois, which turned into a box office blockbuster in 2010. A trio of shorts followed: Legend of […]