A Dragonheart 3 Music Sampler
Here’s a sampler of music from Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer’s Curse, composed by Mark McKenzie. Have a listen: Uploaded January 30, 2016.
Ben Kingsley and Dragonheart 3
In this DVD extra, Sir Ben Kingsley discusses expanding his creative palette to Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer’s Curse. https://youtu.be/aA4OpaNUivs Uploaded March 17, 2015, courtesy Strecno.
The Music of Dragonheart 3
Mark McKenzie delivers a marvelous score to Dragonheart 3. Have a listen:
Save the Egg!
How do you gain a dragon’s favor? By saving its egg. Like this, in slow motion! From Dragonheart 3:
The Special Effects of Dragonheart 3
Ukraine-based Terminal FX provided the magic you see in Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer’s Curse. Have a look:
Ben Kingsley: Myth-ing in Action
Oscar-winning actor Ben Kingsley, voice of Drago from Dragonheart 3, discusses the use of myth in modern storytelling. Uploaded February 24, 2015.

Who wants to be Rhonu?
Yes, you wear clothes and makeup just like the Picts’ great Archer Supreme. In response to a fan request, Strecno provided a study of the materials needed for Rhonu co-splay at his Dragonheart 3 blog, which, sadly, has since been removed.
She is not a monster
Rhonu, the Archer Supreme from Dragonheart 3, wants her potential boyfriend Gareth to know she is not a monster. She proves it by putting a knife to his throat. Inside a moving carriage. With eggs that can explode.
His Real Name is “Hissyoxylammochoganatoss”
But for the sake of easier human pronunciation, “Drago” will do. Listen to how Drago pronounces it. Hmph. Sounds like “Hissyoxylammochogunther” to me. Sir Ben Kingsley delivers a fine vocal performance for Drago, and the animators of Terminal FX Ukraine provide a splendid visual performance. Drago shares his heart with Gareth, played by Julian Morris, […]
Dragonheart 3? Yes!
As I research through the internet, I often come across surprises. This is one of them: Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer’s Curse is a PG-13-rated direct-to-video set for release February 10, 2015 on Digital HD and February 24, 2015 on Blu-ray & DVD. The latest news, photos, gifs and video clips can be found here.