A year prior to the show’s production, Weta Workshop tested a scene for Jane and the Dragon to apply a hand-drawn storybook texture, later to be termed “Bayntonization.” (If not viewable in Firefox, try another browser.)

Dragon of the Day, November 1, 2022
From Amazing World, Dragon by Tom Samui, 5M High, made from car and motorcycle parts.

When we last thrilled to the adventures of Jane Turnkey of Kippernia Castle, she was well on her way to become the world’s first female knight. But did she make it? Alas, Jane and the Dragon ceased production after 26 episodes. We never learned what happened to her and her dragon named Dragon, and their […]

It was October 5, 2005 when Jane and the Dragon premiered in Canada on YTV, and September 2, 2006 when it was first broadcast in the United States on NBC. Based on the trilogy of children’s books by Martin Baynton, Jane and the Dragon told the story of 12-year-old Jane Turnkey who trained in secret […]
Rathalos on Plastic Bags
What Rathalos thinks about plastic bags. Stupid wasteful Hunters… #SFM #MonsterHunter pic.twitter.com/Z1PHe2JzLJ — Rathalos (@RathalosSays) May 6, 2020 Here’s what else Rathalos says.
What Rathalos Says
On Facebook and Twitter, a fellow named Argodeamon has posted some humorous videos featuring Rathalos, a crotchety dragon, nicely-designed and animated. The voice comes from Vince Valenzuela as Francis from Left4Dead, a video game. Disclaimer: profanity. I hate birds. #SFM #MonsterHunter pic.twitter.com/gTaH8jIoib — Rathalos (@RathalosSays) January 25, 2020 I hate Mondays. #SFM #MonsterHunter pic.twitter.com/JDRE7XYGnO — […]
Dragon Wings
Today on Twitter, I came across a video from a creative person in the Netherlands, Willow. Have a look at her dragon wings: Articulated and moving wings stresstest! #ibelieveicanfly #iamprepared pic.twitter.com/Gj8zbvIWpm — Willow (@WillowCreativ3) February 12, 2018

Say “Ahhhhh . . .”
Here’s practical FX specialist Kate Hill bravely sticking her head inside a Hungarian Horntail. Not many people would be willing to do that, I would think. The Horntail dragon stars in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) and is managed by Nick Dudman and his crew. Watch the Horntail in action. A good […]

Jane and the Dragon’s Tenth TV Anniversary
Ten years ago, October 15, 2005, Canada’s YTV network premiered one of the greatest children’s TV shows ever: Jane and the Dragon. Among many reasons, what made it great was that it didn’t pander to the audience. Adults could watch without feeling their intelligence going down the drain. The digital animation came from Weta Workshop […]
Amaze Your Friends with Your Very Own Dragon Skull!
Want to make your own fossilized dragon skull? New Zealand sculptress Kim Beaton shows you how. Posted on YouTube on March 3, 2014, Kim outlined her presentation thusly: Using Pal Tiya – http://www.paltiya.com/ – plus some rather nifty short-cuts of Kim’s, it’s entirely possible your creation will brave the elements for many hundreds of years! […]