Prior to a book’s release, it’s helpful for an author to gather endorsements from prominent individuals, who are given advance reader copies for their review. These are the accolades I’ve received for Batman: The Animated Interviews. I’m grateful for all of them: “Bob Miller’s highly researched and thoroughly engaging history, Batman: The Animated Interviews, is […]

Today in Star Wars History Now Available!
Hey hey, Star Wars friends, Richard Woloski of Skywalking Through Neverland has published Today in Star Wars History: Part 1–January to June. Yes, every date on the calendar has had a significant occurrence in Star Wars history, from the release of the films, TV shows, awards, books and comic books, and Richard has commemorated them […]

The Spring 2022 convention tour of Craig Miller
Craig Miller, Director of Fan Relations at Lucasfilm from 1977 to 1980, has announced his Spring 2022 convention tour, in which he’s selling copies of his insightful STAR WARS MEMORIES. Why buy it through Amazon when you can get signed copies directly from him? Here is his posting: Spring is soon upon us. Covid is […]
I’m on Rebel Force Radio!
Want to learn more about The Star Wars Historical Sourcebook? On Wednesday, September 3, 2019, Jimmy Mac and Jason Swank interviewed me on Rebel Force Radio, the premiere podcast for all things Star Wars. They perform a valuable service to Star Wars fandom, preserving views and interviews covering the world’s greatest science fantasy franchise. For […]