Emma Dryden: What Authors Ought to Know
The road to children’s book publishing has many twists and turns and obstacles along the way. Fortunately there are established authors, and editors, willing to help less-experienced writers achieve publication. Among them is Emma D. Dryden of Drydenbks, editor of nearly 500 children’s books and currently a freelance consultant. Recently she dispensed her advice in […]
One Dark Lord Too Many
Del Rey editor Mike Braff has a message for all you submitters of fantasy lore: “I’ve identified several negative tropes that we see far too much in fantasy submissions.” They are: The Prophetic Orphan The Expository Sewer A’pos’tropheus the De’stroy’er He talks about them here. Note the reaction of one respondent: “If I come across […]

Steven Salerno: How to Illustrate a Children’s Book
What is involved in illustrating a children’s book? Steven Salerno tells us how he illustrated BOOM! at his blog.