SCBWI Summer Conference 2012

Every year the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators hosts a convention in Los Angeles, attracting writers, editors, agents and illustrators. The latest marketplace conditions are presented, advice is given and the craft of writing is honed. At her blog, Nutschell Anne Windsor details this year’s events and shares some advice from the presentations:

Summer Conference Day 1
August 3
What books have a timeless quality? Arthur Levine, US editor of the Harry Potter series, gives a list and mentions what it takes for a book to be timeless.

Summer Conference Day 2
August 4
Deborah Halverson presents the 2012 SCBWI Market Survey, and the current trends in publishing.

Summer Conference Day 3
August 5
A panel of agents talk about what they’re looking for in a client and offer advice. Also, author Deborah Halverson discussed “How to Talk Like a Teen When You’re So Not One”
