It being the Duty of a People who believe in the universal Providence of GOD, to express their grateful Sense of the divine Goodness, not only by private, but public Acts of Devotion and Praise: And as the beneficent Parent of the Universe hath, in the course of the current Year, been pleased to bestow upon this People many great and manifold Blessings which demand their thankful Acknowledgements:
We have therefore thought fit, with the Advice of the Council, and at the Desire of the House of Representatives, to appoint, and do hereby appoint THURSDAY the 26th Day of November next, to be observed throughout this State as a Day of Public THANKSGIVING, PRAYER and PRAISE. Hereby calling upon Ministers and People of every Denomination then to convene, and with sincere Devotion offer Praise to the all Gracious Author of every Good, for the various Benefits conferred upon this State in particular, and the United States in general; that He hath supported the Inhabitants thereof, under the Distresses of the present cruel War; that He hath raised us up benevolent and powerful Assistance in the Times of our Distress, and hath disposed his Most Christian Majesty the King of France to enter into the most open and generous Alliance with the United States of America; that there hath been so great a Measure of Health enjoyed through the Land; that He hath caused the Earth to yield her Increase so plentifully; that we are supplied with the Necessities and Comforts of Life; and that not only our Civil but Religious Liberties are yet continued unto us; And that together with their cordial Acknowledgements they may join the penitent Confession of their Sins, and implore the Continuance of the Divine Protection over, and the Blessing of Heaven upon this People; especially that it would please Him graciously to afford his Blessing upon the Government of this State, and succeed the Public Council of the Continent; that He would inspire our Commanders, and those of our Allies, both by Sea and Land, and all under their Commend with Wisdom, Firmness and victorious Intrepidity; that our Enemies may be defeated in all their hostile Designs, and driven from our Land; that the Blessings of Peace may soon succeed the Horrors of War; that it may please Him to protect the Trade and Manufactures of the People, and the Labour of the Husbandman; that He would smile upon our Schools and Seminaries of Education; and especially that He would protect and promote the Protestant Religion in the World, pour out His Spirit upon the Churches of our Divine Redeemer, and spread His Glorious Kingdom through the Earth.
And all Servile Labour is hereby forbidden on the said Day.
Given at the Council-Chamber in Boston, this Twenty Seventh Day of October, in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight.