From The Companion, a website devoted to Stargate and other science-fiction enterprises:
Can an A.I. Write a Stargate Script?
Join David Hewlett for a World First A.I. Experiment
On Saturday 11th September at 1 pm, PT / 9 pm GMT join Stargate series co-creator Brad Wright, A.I. Lead Advocate at Google, Laurence Moroney, and Stargate Atlantis star and tech evangelist David Hewlett for a Stargate world first in an exclusive video livestream.
Brad Wright made this announcement on Twitter:
September 2, 2021
Stargate Fans! Tune in next Saturday, the 11th of September on @TheCompanionApp for an update on the #Stargate A.I. script + Q&A with myself and Google's Lead A.I. Advocate, the far far smarter than me @lmoroney
To attend, sign up for a free trial here:
— Brad Wright (@bradtravelers) September 2, 2021
Then came a response from David Hewlett:
September 4
A little audition for you @bradtravelers and the folks @TheCompanionApp …get your people to call my people and we'll do lunch about Stargate #MckAI, yes?
— David "Stargate Genius Leader" Hewlett (@dhewlett) September 4, 2021
To which Brad Wright responded:
An excellent first effort!
— Brad Wright (@bradtravelers) September 4, 2021
September 5
Followed by another audition:
Hey @bradtravelers…me again, wanted to demonstrate my acting range for your new Stargate #MacAI role…too long for Twitter so 2 parts…look forward to hearing from you!
— David "Stargate Genius Leader" Hewlett (@dhewlett) September 5, 2021
And another:
September 5
And my very musical Stargate #mckAI part 2 audition for you…
— David "Stargate Genius Leader" Hewlett (@dhewlett) September 5, 2021
And Brad Wright responded:
September 7
How can I say no? @dhewlett… you’re in!
Join us on @thecompanionapp on Saturday for a #Stargate AI Q&A livestream and a world-first experiment where you’ll hear the first lines written by McK-AI read by David Hewlett himself!
Sign up for free here:
— Brad Wright (@bradtravelers) September 7, 2021
And David Hewlett replied:
Adding this announcement:
September 9, 2021
Last chance to join me, Saturday 1pm PT @bradtravelers + @lmoroney on @TheCompanionApp for a galactic first reading of a New AI created #Stargate Script!
And if you’re as cheap as I am, you can watch with my free trial right here: #SGAI #MckAI— David "Stargate Genius Leader" Hewlett (@dhewlett) September 9, 2021
It’s the 21st century way for actors to win roles!