Kindle Journey
Children’s book writer Lupe Fernandez has self-published an ebook, The Wooden Men. He’s making it available through Amazon’s Kindle Direct service. He discusses his journey into Kindle publishing at The Pen and Ink Blog. An interesting account.
First Sale
I sold my first magazine today! 267 items, most of them Star Wars-related, are now available for purchase. Some include coverage of Star Trek and other science fiction productions. Other publications-for-sale feature cars, models, and other hobbies. Click on the “Shop” button, then the “Catagories” button, and select the category closest to your interest. Thanks […]
Almost There
Hello, everyone! Construction of this website is almost complete. Fantasy artist Diana Levin is doing the nuts and bolts of the website design, and I’m grateful for her help. John Grusd is a producer, director, and gifted photographer who took my pictures. You’ll see the corner photo change every time you visit the home page. […]