Want to know what Dudley the Dragon looked like in The Conserving Kingdom? Photos of his early appearances can be found at the Canadian Museum of Civilization’s Art of Puppetry exhibit:
Waterwood Theatre Projects. Scroll through the images in the middle and click on the image to enlarge it.
A shot of Dudley entertaining the kids at a presentation. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Another shot of Dudley bowing after the performance. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Jim Rankin and Dalia Gesser are credited with creating the body puppet. Its measurements: Height 200.0 cm, Width 100.0 cm, Depth 185.0 cm.
Years later, for the TV series, Rankin is credited for designing the puppets, with construction by Rankin, Joan Parkinson, Matt Ficner, Noreen Young, Dalia Gesser, Janet Nisbet, Lea Carlson, Jennifer LeBlanc and Spice Maeby.
Source: Canadian Museum of Civilization.